Write Out of the Oven!
Write Out of the Oven! personally connects children in grades 5-8 with their favorite literary heroes! A collection of letters and recipes from more than 50 well-known and award-winning children’s authors provide insights into their lives, advice to the children who wrote to them, and personal information. Each entry includes the student’s letter to the author, the author’s response, and a recipe from the author. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book goes to a children’s literacy foundation.
By Josephine M. Waltz & Illustrated by Christine Mix,
Write Out of the Oven! Recently received a nice review from the Parents Choice Foundation Bon Appetite Reading List
Published by Teacher Ideas Press, Greenwood Publishing – Heinemann, Jan. 2005
Available via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and easy to order through your favorite Book Store.
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As a children’s author, Christine is proud to announce that she has one non-fiction short true story, Standing Up, that has been published, in
Chicken Soup for the Child’s Soul, Character-Building Stories to Read with Kids Ages 5-8, May 2007.
For more information visit www.chickensoup.com for book ordering details.